At our core, we are process people who continuously question, relish being proven wrong, and despise linear thinking. “We’ve always done it that way” is never an acceptable answer. We seek to destroy silos, create a single source of information, and prioritize doing over learning.

With the advent of LLMs, we have never been better positioned to disrupt the training industry. The quickest mathematicians in the world can process information at about 60 bits per second. Meanwhile, the fastest computers in the world process 64 billion bits per second. Computers are learning masters. Humans, comparably, are mere apprentices. Why wouldn’t we let computers do the learning for us?
Let’s leave learning for learning’s sake in the schools and books where it belongs. In the workplace, let’s train the computers, which are a BILLION times better at it than us, to learn what we need them to know, and then push that information seamlessly to the right person at the right time. The act of learning doesn’t make you a more capable worker. Knowing the answer and being able to act confidently and decisively does. That knowing is what Atteria empowers.